What is the Read-a-Thon?
If this is your first Read-A-Thon, you may have some questions. A Read-A-Thon is a fun activity and friendly competition to encourage students to read and to raise money for the school. Your student will not be graded on anything related to the Read-A-Thon.
How Does It Work?
Our school goal is to read 195,000 minutes this year. To achieve that goal, each student would need to read 45 minutes each day over the 9 days of the Read-A-Thon. The Read-a-Thon is also a fundraiser; our goal is to raise $15,000 to support our school. The money raised will go directly to the St. Anthony Park School Association, which funds supplies for classrooms, as well as fun activities for students and artist residencies--every year, every grade gets to work with an artist to create an in-depth project!
Students can ask friends, relatives, and neighbors to sponsor them either by the minute, hour, or just a flat rate for participating and reading their hearts out. All the stuff you need is in the packets linked below.
Logs & Minutes
Students will record the time that they read during the school day on a time log that will stay at school. They can keep track of the minutes they read outside of school on the log sheet in the packets linked below.
Logs are due Thursday, January 25th. If your student is out of school, please send it in as soon as you can, or email your student's total minutes and any questions to sarashepard@comcast.net.
Students can return cash/check/coin pledges to their teachers with their reading logs on Thursday, Jan 25th. Online pledges can be made here: https://www.givemn.org/story/Read2024
Prizes & Incentives
On Thursday, January 25th, volunteers will collect student logs. Early the next week, volunteers will tally up the minutes and distribute raffle tickets to students so they can be entered to win prizes based on their minutes read. All students will receive at least one ticket, no matter what! This year a pizza party will be awarded to the classroom at each grade level with the most minutes. And reading around the world is wonderful, but sometimes it's nice to stay put too... If we collectively reach our goal of 195,000 minutes, Dr.Duke will transform into a unicorn and bike around the school!
Click below for informational packets for Kindergarten, Grades 1-5, and Teachers

Parent Packet

Parent Packet

For Teachers

Donation Strips